Thursday, April 2, 2009

To Gym or Not To Gym...that is the question

Alright people, I'll be honest. Eating right is not the only thing that has helped me lose weight. I workout atleast 4-5 times a week and when I workout, I REALLY workout. I'm talking about 25 minutes of running on the treadmill, 20 minutes on the stairmaster, and then doing 100 crunches/situps and then some weights. Now, I workout this rigorously for a reason. Number 1: There are days where I do not eat as well as I should, and I compensate this with my workout. Number 2: I honestly feel better after working out. I feel happier, and it's a great stress reliever. Number 3: It keeps me active. Now, WW does suggest moderate activity daily, and I highly recommend this. You also do not need a gym to workout. Go outside for a walk or run (, workout to DVD's in your own home, or go grab a jump rope and jump to your heart's content. Bottom line, I really do suggest getting some activity. This will advance your weightloss and you will ultimately feel better! What are you guys doing for physical activity?

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