Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Healthy Tips...

Hi Guys, So, Jillian Michaels, the trainer from The Biggest Loser was on the Rachel Ray Show this morning and she had a few good tips for eating out that I'd like to share with you.

Avoid artificial sweeteners in your tea. "Honey is a better option," Jillian says. "It has anti-bacterial properties; when used in moderation it can be good for you."

Order salad dressing on the side. "You will easily save well over half the calories, and it's not worth it to spend 200 calories on dressing," she says. "You know what else you can do? Get balsamic vinegar on the side. There's no calories in that and it's great for you."

Avoid foods that are fried or sauteed. Don't be afraid to ask the wait staff questions about healthy alternatives, such as requesting that a dish is steamed or grilled instead of fried.

Order veggies. "I always tell the contestants on The Biggest Loser that green vegetables are free," Jillian says. "Go bananas!"

Choose your calories carefully. Before heading to a restaurant, arm yourself with a pocket-sized calorie book or use your cell phone to track the calories in your meals. When you get the menu, Jillian suggests asking yourself a series of questions about the choices. "Stop and think it through," Jillian says. "Do I really want this? How will I feel after I eat it? Is it going to put me in a tailspin, am I going to regret my decision? Is it getting me closer to my ultimate goal?"


  1. hey, one trick I learned at WW reg salad dressings - keep the salad dressing on the side, and dip your fork first THEN pick up the salad with your fork. So you'll get flavor of the dressing without excess.

    Another thing I do is bring salad in a closed container - I measure the dressing. Then, I shake the container so everything gets coated.

  2. Hi Indigo B,

    This is a great tip! Thanks for sharing.
