Monday, April 8, 2013

Sunday Prep Day...

Good Morning! Looks like its going to be a beautiful day today! Finally, warmer weather is moving in. I can't wait for summer weather :-)

So, here we are again, back to Monday. You know what I say, the sooner we get this started the sooner it's over.

Yesterday I did a lot of quick prepping for my week. I have realized prepping ahead ensures I eat healthy snacks and meals during the week. This is especially helpful when I need a quick snack to grab and go.

I hard boiled 10 eggs to have as a quick snack throughout the week. I also cut up fruits and veggies for a grab and go snack. I did a lot of prepping for meat for the week. Marinated some chicken and roasted some veggies. Last night I also prepped for my breakfast this morning. Yes, I filled my tervis with a chopped pear, half a banana, non fat Greek yogurt and a little almond milk to get things moving along. This morning at work, I blended this all up with some spinach and flax meal. A deliciously quick and filling breakfast :-)

Do you guys do any prep for the week?

My Food Bag Today

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