Monday, January 10, 2011

Shape Up in 2011: Week 2; Today's update

Hi Everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! We are now in week two of Shape Up in 2011. Week two of the new year is when people usually let go of their healthy resolutions. You and I, however are not going to let this happen. No, we are going to continue to motivate each other! With that said, I thought I'd let you all know how my day went. I started my day off with a bowl of Cheerios, sliced banana, peanut butter and cinnamon. Later on, I had a snack of string cheese and an apple. Next, came lunch. Two slices of Spelt bread, three slices of organic turkey and one slice of cheese, all toasted up into a melty, warm, delicious sandwich. I also had a bowl of slightly steamed veggies. Later on, snack time again. Mmmm....this time I had a delicious Trader Joes yogurt. More on this tomorrow. Dinner time came and I had grilled tofu, sautéed in black bean sauce and chopped veggies. Delish! Ok, one thing that I did not do today was workout. I'll have to get a workout in tomorrow. So, that's my day in a nutshell. How was your day?

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