Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My new toy...

Yesterday I was thinking, just like we can now buy portion controlled rice, we should be able to buy portion control pasta. I find it really hard to portion out the right amount of rigatoni! Pasta as it is can be very caloric, so going a little overboard can go a long way. My solution....I went out and bought a very inexpensive, tiny, portable scale. Yes, my Taylor scale was less than six bucks at Target. Now, the most accurate way to get a calorie count is to measure by weight. If you look at the nutritional for any product, next to serving size, you will see the weight for that individual serving size.

The only downfall of this product is I love weighing everything out now! Pasta, chips, grapes....anything! The upside...I now get an accurate calorie count :-) I highly recommend this product to anyone watching their calories and portions.

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