Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The INSANITY continues...

So yesterday I did my Insanity fit test. Yes, I know I was suppose to post up my stats, but I'm so dedicated to this workout that I did it at 11:45PM!! After that I was too tired to post up my results. I will however post up official results tonight! I have to say though, I improved in every sector from the last two weeks. The fit test is comprised of 8 circuits and test the number of reps you can do for each circuit. Compared to the past two weeks, I'm able to do more kick jumps, push ups, jumping jacks, globe jumps and suicide jumps. Not bad. I've also lost three pounds since I've started this, but I'm sure I've lost more in inches!! More to come tonight!


  1. That is awesome Kanwal. What is the Insanity Fit Test? Do you go to the gym or is it on a video?


  2. Hey Dimple!! The insanity fit test is on a dvd, BUT, ill post up what moves are done tonight. Like I said, all the moves are done for one minute each and you count the number of reps. The Fit test alone had me sweating!!

  3. hi kanwal-

    mishka and i would like to know - how far before the workout should we eat. Thanks, Clint

  4. Are you guys doing Insanity?!?! If you are eating a heavy meal, I would workout after 2.5 hours from eating. If its a light meal, which I usually do, I wait atleast an hour. Its just harder to workout when your belly is full!

  5. I have read that when you hit a plateau it is because your body has become use to the limited amount of calories that you are ingesting and could be entering "caveman" mode which limits the amount of fat you are losing because your body doesn't know there is more food, it thinks there isn't any and that is why you are not eating. To make the body leave "caveman" mode, you will need to increase your caloric intake by about 200-300 calories for about a week or two. For instance, if you normally eat a 2000 calorie daily diet and reduce it 25% (or 500 calories making it now a 1500 calorie diet) to lose weight in conjunction with diet and exercise, up your intake to 1700-1800 calories and keep on working out. Your body will adjust and realize that there really is more food out there and it doesn't need to conserve anymore. You can put in an extra 10-15 minutes to your workout too if needed. This should help you get past the plateau.

  6. Hi Anonymous! This is great advice and so true!! Thank you so much!
